Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Have a Merry Modkid Christmas

When you are invited to participate in a tour for ModKid, you do not say no.  Even if it is the most busy sewing time of the year!  Hi!  Happy Holidays!  I am so very excited to be part of the Merry ModKid Blog Tour.  I happen to be a huge fan of all things Patty Young.  I have bought plenty of the Patty Young fabrics, and I own her book.  I actually pre-ordered the book : ).  But I had not purchased the PDF patterns. Good thing I was asked to participate because I am pretty sure this is the best fitting item I had ever sewn for Mila!  ModKid Etsy shop is now maybe my favorite shopping destination for PDF Patterns. : )
Us blogging participants were asked to choose a pattern from the ModKid Etsy shop and make something Merry!  I choose the Rachel dress.  Specifically because it was knit and because I adored the collar (by the way a regular collar is included in the pattern).  I like knit because it takes half the time to sew, and like I said above, I am a bit short on time.  I decided to make two!  First I wanted something casual that would fit with the holiday season and can still be worn after.  
It is snowing outside so we are stuck with indoor photos and a not so cooperative two year old : ).  The dress above is the Rachel pattern as is!  No changes.  Wait, I did add the lining (pink) to the ruffles. Otherwise, as is : ).  Mila has been wearing this dress on and off for the last three days in an attempt to get some photos : ).  Actually this is maybe her 6th time wearing the dress because it is my favorite thing in her closet!   The skirt is fun and frilly and the whole outfit is just very comfy : )
I used a super soft Riley Blake knit fabric that of course came from my FAV Fabric lady Christine over at Threads & Stitches
My Holiday dress-  I must be honest here.  I had planned on making the pattern as is but adding the tulle to the ruffle.  Well of course.  I lost the pattern pieces and did not have the time to cut out some more so I thought I would just add a simple skirt.  Yes, the shortness is intentional.  I think short little dresses are cute on toddler's and Mila is almost out of that age group so I will take it while I can : ).  This really would have been that much cuter as the original design but hey... this is what happens to an unorganized busy lady : ).  What changes did I do?  I shortened the bodice and add a simple gathered skirt with tulle and more of that pretty blue velour. 
I matched the dress up with the  Whimsy Couture Bow Turbon Hat.  Perfect for a snowy wintery but really kinda warmish day : ) for show I should say!  Mila loved both outfits and I am looking forward to making more! Next pattern on my list- The Olivia Portrait Dress!  I think I will buy that today with the Blog Tour Coupon code-  MERRYMODKID25 and get 25% off my entire order at the Modkid Etsy store, valid Monday 11/30 through Friday 12/04 at midnight EST. Link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ModKid
Make sure to follow all the amazing bloggers on the Merry ModKid tour.  : )

Monday, November 30th

Wednesday, December 2nd

Thank you so much for reading and have a Merry Holdiay : ). 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

ME, they say I am a Top Stitcher : )

This is not exactly my usual style of clothing creations : ).  But holy man I do love it! I was invited to participate in this seasons Top Stitchers competition, and was challenged with the prompt "bacon ice cream".  That means two mix some crazy ingredients and

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sew in Style 2015

Hello you guys!  It is my turn to show off  Mila's Fall wardrobe.  My Fall Line : ).  Today I am participating in the Lil Luxe Sew In Style series.  We were asked to

Friday, September 18, 2015

Top Stitchers

Whooo Hoooo!!!! Guess what ladies, you will be seeing me on Top Stitchers this season.  Of course I am excited about this.  The Top Stitchers team has such amazing talent.  I was so impressed last season the amazing handmade items created.

This season I am up against my arch nemesis Jessica Bustos of Lil Luxe.  Just kidding, we are not nemesis's.  I have been testing Jessica's patterns for awhile now and I would consider her to be a good friend, so I may feel a bit bad when I kick her but

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Madeit Fold 2 so Cool

First I must start with- please read the end of this post and how to win so cool stuff like fabric and patterns!!!

And hey, maybe a link to the pattern- http://www.madeit-patterns.com

I have sure been a slacker when it comes to blog posts haven't I!  It has been awhile.  Not that I have not been sewing.  I have!  Lot's of

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Not Just For Summer Paneled Sunsuit

Hi, Hi, Hi, sorry... I am a bit of a stinker when it comes to blog posts lately.  Well at least on my own blog.  I have been pretty busy on Pattern Revolution and hoping to create my own boutique that my blog has really been neglected.   But...here I am

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Dressage Leggings for a little running girl And Frances Suzanne's Flip This Pattern

Just about this time last year I tested the LOL Swing top.  See that original post here.  Along with the LOL Swing top I had created those grey pants, shown above.  We have the cutest little worn out runner toddlers here, don't we : ).   Well I had

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Liebster Award for MEEE : )

I am so very excited to have been awarded the Liebster Award.  I was awarded the award by Grandma XOXO whom happens to be one of my favorite bloggers!  I believe I found XOXO grandma first as a fellow competitor of Project Run and Play  and have always followed her since via Google +.  Did you know Google plus also has a whole community of sewing enthusiast?  It's almost a whole new world of online sewing friends.  This post has taken me way way way too long to complete.  Urg, we, I, have been sooo busy and life is slowly starting to slow down.   I am finally ready to post this post. : )!!!

If you are not familiar with the Liebster award I can fill you in quick.  The award is kinda about recognizing some of the smaller blogs.  You must have less than 200 followers to qualify.  I have 1 : ) on google.  So I would sure love some more love : ).  The blogger awarded the award is just asked to answer some simple questions about our selves.  So here we go.

1.  Do you have a favorite thing to sew? 

For Sure : ) !  I love to make girls clothes.  I think probably jackets would be my very favorite.  Strangely I have only sewn a few.  But girls clothes is what I sew 95% of the time.
I just created that one as a test for Lil Luxe!  Love It!!!: )

That little number was a Amelie & Henry Pattern.

2.  What got you into sewing, and what keeps you going with it? And 3.  Who do you sew for the most?

I had sewn a little bit when my first son (and before that a little) was born but kinda gave up, lost interest.  He is 13 almost 14 now.  Somewhere along the way like 6 years ago I came across this book.

And for real, I was amazed!  I must have read the book 15 times and starred at the pictures a thousand times more. I loved it and started to sew again and sell my girls clothes on ETSY.  Well, making the same thing over and over and over and not charging enough for my time tired me out.  Can you believe I sold this skirt for $35 in the beginning!  I made each of those embroidery design too (on a machine) Oh my gosh I was crazy!!!  Eventually the price went way up.  But I was still tired out and kinda stepped back from selling on Etsy.
I now sew primarily for my daughter and share my photos on FacebookInstagram, and right here on my Blog.  I have big thoughts of getting back to sewing and selling what I create, but lets see if I follow through.  

4.  What project has been your biggest splurge?

Hmmm, that is a hard one.  I would have to say my daughters room.  I purchased allot of Moda fabrics.  I made sheets, a quilt, a bed skirt, and changing pad cover.  I then made a few outfits with the left over scraps.  This is not the best image!  It looked a whole lot cuter in person : ).

5.  As a blogger/seamstress what is something that you struggle with?
Time! Time! Time!  Oh wait, I should be saying SPELLING, PUNCTUATION, GRAMMAR Yikes, its embarrassing.  But I love to share so I just am gonna have to put my self out there and hope nobody notices (although I am sure most do).  Back to the time problem...Urg, I think about sewing much more than I actually sew or blog.  I also have a hard time focusing and completing a project.  I work a little better under pressure and short deadlines I think. 

6.  What was the first thing you remember sewing?

My mom had sewn a lot for me when I was little.  I remember making barbie clothes with her scraps and a needle and thread.  As an adult I think I started with pajama pants for my boys. Wowza they lasted along time to.  Most pairs made it through all three boys : ).

7.  What is your guilty pleasure?
I bet I can answer that for most of us seamstress, quilters, etc...  Fabric!  I have way to much!.  I also maybe have bought a few more PDF patterns than I need. : ).  Oh but the examples are always so pretty!!!  I am hoping to make a camera lens's a guilty pleasure.  But they are kinda spendy.

8.  How did your blog get its name? 
mmmm, I really do not like my blog name.  But I feel it is a little late to change it.  I was trying to think of something original and catchy.  Well, Kimmie Sew Crazy is not so original I later learned.   But it works I guess : ).

9.  Is sewing a hobby for you, or something more?

Way more!  Sewing has became my passion.  I know that it will be a very important part of my life forever.  I hope someday I am able to find a way to make sewing part of my career. 
10.  What is the best book you read in the last year? 

By day I am a daycare provider, so children's books are my main read.  My very favorite books are Mercer Mayer books.  I adore every one of them and the children do too! Oh I can not leave out "We Are Going On A Bear Hunt".  That may be the very best book ever written.  It has always been the most favorite of every child I have cared for.  The trick is to read it with lots of emotion : )!

Now it is time to pass on the torch to a few of my favorite bloggers!
Mary-  http://marymaker.com/
Lisa- http://www.lisalisadesigns.com/

Thank you so much for stopping

Monday, February 16, 2015

One Thimble Blog Tour Part 2 Animals

Kissy Kissy : )  What else would a girl do if given

One Thimble Blog Tour

Ohhh I looove being part of a blog tour! Today I am your stop on the blog tour for the e-magazine One Thimble.  Can I ask you where in the world have I been?  How is it they are on issue 6 and I am just now hearing about One Thimble?  Wow, everything is absolutely adorable, and kinda a steal since there are always a bunch of PDF patterns included in each issue.  Issue 6 has 10 PDF patterns included plus a whole bunch of additional information.  I now need all issues  : ).

 Ok so lets get on with the tour.

I have two PDF patterns to share today!  I am a

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Phresh Blazer by Winter Wear Designs

 Now really you see this huge photo bellow and you think.  Oh this is a pattern review.  Well you would kind of be correct.  It is a pattern

Monday, January 5, 2015

Spending the Holidays with Florence

Oh man you guys have no idea how excited I was when

Lil Luxe added Sleeves!

This post does contain affiliate links although as usual I love this pattern and my feeling expressed our 100% true : )
Look at my little baby, she is actually posing for