Friday, September 19, 2014

Showcase Flip Swing Coat to Dress and a little more

I like to put the link to the pattern on the top so its easy for you to find.  But you can also grab it at the bottom of my post.  Go Grab your pattern at Sewlosophy and get 15% off all of her patterns just use the code-SHOWCASE.  Now on to my post : )

When I received an ever so secret email a few months back from Frances Suzanne I pretty much just about screamed with excitement!  You can ask my boys, its true!  I was really very very excited to be part of the September Showcase,  My very first blog post ever began because of Frances Suzanne.  If it were not for the Flip this Pattern series I do not think I would have ever started blogging in the first place.  So thank you Frances Suzanne for starting this super fun series and
showing me this amazing world where I have found people just like me, others who are completely crazy about sewing.

So what is the September Showcase?  Well, Frances Suzanne is showcasing 10 designers that 30 of us bloggers will be blogging about (well for the most part have already blogged about, today is the last day).  I choose the Sewlosophy's Serendipity Swing Coat.  I wanted to blog about the entire collection.  Unfortunately I ran out of time.  But man, if I had a friend ask me where to start with sewing clothes, Sewlosophy is the place I would send them.  She has a video tutorial with every pattern.  How perfect, right.

We were told we can flip the pattern if we like but are not required to.  I thought about leaving it as is, but if you follow my blog I have been doing allot of testing and that means no changing the patterns.  I have been ready to try using a little creativity.  So yes, I flipped it : ).  And keep reading because I did not just make one flip : ) I made two!

I actually really did not change the pattern much.  Instead cutting two pieces to all front pieces I just put them on a fold and cut one.  I did take two inches off of the front top piece (I can not think of what it is called, but that top piece ; ) )  I took one inch off of the arms in the center and shortened them to short sleeves, plus added that pleat and cuff.  Oh and a band at the bottom.  This is really my favorite style of dress.  The dress is knit.

I love taking pictures!  So as usual, I took a bunch!  By day I am an at home daycare provider.  It's easy to take lots of pictures at pretty parks when that is pretty much what we do every day anyway. 

Doesn't the ground look pretty in the picture.  It's really a bunch of goose poop and feathers.  : )

Can't you just about hear her singing : )

I just had to share a little of Mila too : )

Now on to flip 2 

Since I was showcasing a jacket pattern I thought I should make a jacket too.  

I made Mila a faux leather jacket last year similar to this style and I loved it so I thought I would try something similar.  Plus I have been seeing allot of fringe on Project Runway so I thought I would make an attempt at that.  Well, whoops.  I went with a suede type fabric and I did not notice it would fray until I was half done with attaching it.  I made all of that fringe too so I was in no way going to start over.  Well, I am glad I didn't.  Now I love how the fringe fray's, and after a wash it curled up really cute!

I honestly did not change a thing with the pattern pieces.  All of the changes I made were put on top of the outer layer.

I added seven layers of fringed suede (from Joann's) and than added a band on top of the first layer.  The band is pretty much a giant single fold bias tape.  I inserted some elastic into the giant bias tape and stitched it in place on the front of the jacket a couple inches out from the side seam on each side.  Can I tell you it turned out perfect! If you like the look but maybe not the fringe try it with ruffles.  That is my next project : ).  

The girls were loving the geese!  The geese thought we had some treats so they swim all the way from the other side of the pond to greet the girls. They loved it!  Next time we will be bringing those treats or should I say bread.

Go Grab your pattern at Sewlosophy and get 15% off all of her patterns just use the code-SHOWCASE

Would you like a few more deals?  Hurry today is the last day for these codes!
Sewpony Vintage: 20% off all patterns {SHOWCASE20}
Jennuine Design: 20% off all patterns {SHOWCASE}
Sew Like My Mom: 25% off all patterns {SHOWCASE}
Peaches and Peanuts: 25% off all patterns {SHOWCASE}
Shaffer Sisters: 25% off all patterns {SHOWCASE}
LouBeeClothing: 20% off all patterns {SHOWCASE20}
Rock the Stitch: 20% off Fawn Lily Dress {SHOWCASE20}
imagine gnats: 20% off all retail patterns {SHOWCASE}
Sewlosophy: 15% off all patterns {SHOWCASE}

We have a giveaway too : )

Thanks for visiting : )


  1. That fringed coat is to die for! What a fantastic job you did!

  2. I live both your looks, but that fringe coat is amazing! Beautiful work!

    1. Thanks! I think it's my fav too : ) I may try it again with a lighter faux leather.

  3. Thanks Amy! They really were pretty easy : ) u should try : )

  4. Cute, cute, cute!! I wouldn't have thought to try it in knit.....very nice :). And, what a fantastic way to showcase one pattern, in two completely different fashions!!

    And, wow...thanks for those sweet words about our blog and the "Flip this Pattern" series. We've enjoyed virtually meeting and seeing new bloggers grow through the blogging process. It is indeed a community of friends, and one we are thrilled to be a part of....

  5. LOVE these!! I wish I had the foresight to see how a pattern would look when "flipping it"!! I may have to try both of these. Wish me luck!

  6. Both the dress & coat are absolutely gorgeous!!!! Seriously, WOW. <3

  7. Love what you've done with this pattern. Great creativity and the child is so adorable!
    Judith Marquis

    1. She is so cute : ) thank you so much! I really loved being part of the showcase!
