Sunday, September 29, 2013

My signature look

Last week of Project Run and Play and I have this blog posted first.  Why, well I think my signature look was a pretty easy one to write about.  Ok,  so my signature look is a bit of a copycat. But it is so my style, and the first time I saw this dress I fell in love.  And I was just a kid at the time.

I do love everything about it, the color combination, the pin dots, the vintage style, the buttons, blue ric rac, its just adorable : ) I use to play with the dress when I was a child. I think it is actually a doll dress. My grandmother had kept it from when she was a little girl. It had been sewn for her by her mother (my great grandmother). Recently my grandmother passed away. This dress and an old camera were passed down to me. I hung the dress up in my sewing room as inspiration.  A few months later we had our baby girl.  Our first and only little lady.  She has three big brothers.  I now had even more of a reason to recreate!  And just my luck I  walked into my local quilt shop and there it was.  The exact same pink and white pin dot fabric.  EXACTLY the same.  What are the chances. The quilt shop lady told me pin dots are timeless.
That's my dress on the left and bottom right next to the original on the top right. 

I used Made By Rae's, Geranium dress pattern with a few changes.
First I added about two inches to the fold. Notice its about an inch taller.
Here it is cut out, the lining stayed the same.
I folded it back in half, drew that line in my picture and than sewed along the line.
I than ironed it flat : )

I cut off that extra fabric at the top and than sewed the ricrac along the ironed fold. It was pretty easy : ) the rest I just followed the directions to the geranium dress pattern.

I think she loves it, I sure wish my grandma could see, not just the dress but the baby as well.  She would just be in love! : )
I did make this dress a few months ago and Mila is just about to out grow it, so I took a few more pictures for you to see and me to keep : )




Here is one other outfit that I think reflects my signature style.  This was my Tinny flip for the Frances and Suzanne sew along.  I think it really has a vintage feel, fun and nice clean lines similar to the dress I have Mila in in the above pictures.

One more thing.  Yay, I won a prize from  Only problem.  The prize requires that I am in New York City.  Unfortunately I will not be traveling there with in the next year so I have decided to give away my prize.  If any of you plan to be in New York City with in the next year or two and would be interested in a tour of NYC Garment District please let me know.  Here is some info on the tour-
Seek's New York Garment District Tour is a two-hour guided tour featuring the city’s best fabric, trim, and notions stores. Along the way, tour participants will also enjoy seeing famous fashion landmarks (like the Fashion Walk of Fame) and Project Runway filming locations such as Parsons, Bryant Park, and Atlas Apartments. Led by a professional costume/fashion designer and licensed guide, this tour also explores the history of the NYC garment industry and the development of famous department stores like Macy’s and Lord & Taylor.

The Garment District Tour is perfect for fashion students, aspiring designers, fabric aficionados, Project Runway fans, fashion history buffs, and anyone who just loves to sew!
New York Garment District Tour (general info about the tour)
Public Garment District Tours (tour dates and ticket sales)

Thanks for viewing!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week three in plaid

Week Three for Project Run and Play and the and the theme is mad for plaid.  I have had this brown plaid wool fabric folded in my stash for years.  I decided for this theme I would finally use it.  The fabric is perfect for fall and the cooler weather here in Minnesota.  Like last week I used the Oliver & S roller-skate pattern.  I think this is my new favorite pattern!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Flipped, pattern combined, and inside out W pants !

Ahhhh, I did it!!! I did not think I would make this flip in time as well.  I have had the pants cut out for 3 weeks but did not get the change to sew them until last night.  Luckily my pretty little model showed up to daycare today and here we go.  Pictures : )

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Skittles Dress

So here is my entry for week 2 of Project Run and Play.  I really thought I would never make it in time.  First off I sure had a hard time choosing a candy.  Week two is candy inspired.  Yay fun : ), but my favorite candy is anything chocolate.  I love chocolate!!! But last week my top was brown and next week my outfit will be brown so I had to go with some color : ).  My outfit is Skittles inspired.

Yum, all kids love skittles.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Project Run and Play week 1

This is my first ever Project Run and Play sew along and first entry as well.  I am beginning to become addicted to these sew alongs.  So much fun : ).  I have been participating in the Frances and Suzanne Flip This Pattern sew along since the second month and I am truly becoming more imaginative with designing than I ever thought I could be.  This first week for Project Run and Play is to mix up the Popover Sundress by Oliver & S.  This is a great pattern and you can find tons of inspiration on Flicker.  Here is my flip...